Time and Changes
Interestingly enough I started with the idea that I should spend some time thinking about the good things in life and the great things that are happening for me. That seems to make sense at the beginning of the year, everything is new, fresh and possible. So I can start with watching some of my friends; this year three of them had children, one girl and two boys. All of them are healthy. The interesting thing is I did expect one of them to have a child very early, the other two not so much. Not that it is a problem as the new fathers seem to be settling in to their new roles very well - this whole child thing changes them and makes them at least want to be responsible. There have been no deaths that I have been associated with closely except to provide emotional support to someone I have yet to meet..
I created the cards for my club and even though they are on crappy paper, they work and I have begun handing them out, we'll see where that takes us. The other business should take off this week, I have to get in contact with one of the people I emailed and have to start making the necessary phone calls to get others, no problem. Now that is really interesting, after writing about how hard it was to make the calls I have had enough time to let it get into my system and I am actually looking forward to getting this done. This really stems from telling a friend that it was time he got out of my life. I realized that some of the stuff he was doing was really pissing me off especially since I did some of it myself. Now having determined that I don't want that sort of thing in my life it is easier to just move on and do the work. I am trying my friend C.D.'s idea of going hard for six months and when I look at it like that it is easier.
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