Wednesday, December 08, 2004

This is Hard

So the hardest part of keeping a blog is actually doing the blogging. In the last couple of days I have actually managed to be very productive, not only have I managed to meditate I also got a database built so I can start sening information out to companies. I believe I will do a two pronged approach where I send some emails, have to watch for getting mistaken for spam, and others I call directly. At this point even one new contract would make the difference in what is going on in my life.

I think I am starting to figure out what keeps me from getting ahead and I may begin to put those ideas down on here for all to see, unless of course I decide that that would be indulgent and needlessly self-flagellating. Instead I believe I may stick to my goals and the things that I actually get done, not accomplishments so much as milestones that I am trying to reach. One of my first goals is to manage to make at least 10 calls every morning that I do not go in to the government office. This will be the real application of what I learned in selling Life Insurance that the bottom line is numbers, the more people you contact the more likely you are to make a sale and that's all this is really.

So the database that I put together is a collection of over 700 companies and while I am on the list myself I believe I should be able to pull enough people out who can use my services that I should be able to make a decent living. Not really sure if I want to keep working for the government even on a part-time basis, the fact is that I do not like the hurry up and wait or the sitting around while people have their heads in the wrong place.

You know, the reality is that I have never really given myself the real opportunity for success in an area like this and unfortunately if I don't do this I am going to find myself either working full-time for the gov or going on welfare and neither of those really appeals to me. All the parts are in place, time to get after it.


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