Push On
So the whole idea of having a blog is having a positive effect on me. Already I have started to ensure that I am following through on the things I say I am going to do. And that is before I have even placed them on here. I think it may be a function of having this thing to look back at in a few months or years and actually face whether I have actually accomplished anything new. I am actually presenting my brochures to someone who can help me find new work tonight. Now it is still a matter of having them properly printed but that is a money matter and I can probably get it done within the next week. After that the cards. I have also applied to get Google ads and search on my site, even if it only brings in one client it will be worth it, hell its free. If I make that my normal search page, regardless of where I am it will enable me to make a couple of extra dollars anyway as I sit and do nothing. Adding the ads may also enable me to find others who need my services, which doesn't hurt either. In the end it is the follow through that will make the final difference.
I am also taking a look at doing something about my school since I realize that my back will not be great forever and at some time it is a matter of someone else taking over permanently. My original goal was never to start and run a school but having done so I don't really want it to stop just because I am gone, that makes it a school of personality rather than a school of skill and technique.
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